Wednesday, December 15, 2004

So Many People to Thank - It's Unbelievable

To my family, friends, & supporters:

How do I love and thank thee? It's nearly impossible to count the ways.

"At the risk of sounding ridiculous, let me say that the true revolution is guided by a great feeling of love." Although Che Guevara's famous quotation speaks of a different time and in a different context, I can identify with his sentiment.

I believe that any successful revolution must first start from within before I can extend to other areas. That's how I became who I am.

As I find myself being one step closer to the physical freedom that I've been longing for, I'm constantly reminded of that great feeling of love that you've shared with me. It is your great feeling of love that has sustained me, gives me hope and a chance to start a new chapter of my life.

In light of my successful parole hearing and settlement of my civil rights lawsuit, I want to remind all of you that it would not have happened with your continual support. Every support letter you wrote, email you sent, visit and phone call you made, petition you signed, event you attended, fund donated, information shared with others, and prayer said for me made a difference. We did it collectively.

In the midst of the holiday season, I wish your days are filled with peace and joy. There are many people who are less fortunate than us. Let's count our blessings, appreciate our family and friends, and live responsibly.

Thank you for believing in me. I'm continually in awe at your compassion and generosity for me. I look forward to the day when I can thank each and every one of you in person. My heart bows to all of you.

The more I suffer, the stronger I become.

Eddy Zheng


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