Thursday, September 16, 2004

Yes on Prop 66

"Three strikes and your're out," a slogan that is associated with the game of baseball, has plagued thousands of people who had committed non-violent crimes and created the largest and costliest convalescent home in the state of California.

Riding on the momentum of public outrage in the afternath of the Polly Klaas tragedy, politicians were able to grant the voters a quick fix bandaid by passing the law to dish out a 25-years-to-life sentence to those who were convicted of a third degree felony regardless of its severity.

Ten years later, the Prison Industrial Complex is overcrowded, it costs taxpayers millions of dollars to warehouse people under inhumane conditions, the street is not safer than before, and people of color continue to suffer from this unconstitutional law at a greater rate.

Proposition 66 gives the non-violent offenders who were sentenced to 25-years-to-to-life a chance for resentencing so the time would fit the crime.

Have people in society become so callous that it will want to see someone spend the rest of his life in prison for stealing a pizza?

Please vote yes on Prop 66 come November.