Monday, November 07, 2005

Talk to the Door

I stood flabberghasted facing the steel door that the female deputy slammed on me in front of two new trainees.

All I wanted was a whole sheet. Instead, the female deputy violated my right to due process and slammed the door in my face.

When the female deputy gave me my weekly exchange of linen, I noticed I only had half a sheet. I asked her for a whole sheet. She refused. I asked her for a grievance form. She said she'd bring me one, but she never did. Thirty minutes later, I inquired about the grievance form. She decided it was a non-grievable issue and refused to give me that form. That's when she violated my due process rights.

I guess her message was "I have the badge and uniform so I can do what I want." I wonder what influence her unprofressional behavior had on the two trainees.

It took me 5 more hours of peading before a different deputy gave me a grievance. Hoepfully, I'll get some relief.


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